Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Tequila Worm

The Tequila Worm 
 By: Viola Canales 
 I am reading this book because Mrs.Kohtala told us we have to read this book because we are studying multicultural literature.  I chose this book because the cover looked interesting because it shows a lot of cool looking things on the cover.  This book starts of in Mc Alen, Texas with a girl named Sofia and her friend Berta.  There is a problem because Sofia wants to go to a school called Saint Luke's Episcopal School in Austin.   Some of the events on this book are when Sofia and Berta get in a fight over a chocolate or when Sofia and Berta go to the movies with their parents and Berta is acting mature while Sofia acts like a little kid.  I like this book because it is very interesting learning about Sofia's life while she grows up with her challenges.  I would recommend this book to my friends or my parents.

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