We made trading cards of character in mythology because we where learning about them. We learned about mythology and legend i like them both equally because they have there own interesting facts. I learn that Greek and roman mythology are very different. My favorite character is Aphrodite.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
I think that it is all fake because back then they didn't have the thing that we have today. like the cyclops and others. so we are making cards and at least 3 facts and a picture. I did Zeus and the under world and i did a telltale of John Henry.i thoght it was fun because i think that is cool with all the goods and all the powers.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
I did three characters, and i wrote about them and what do they do or if they are real. I liked it because i got to write about some characters that i wanted to learn about. The most interesting character for me is Medusa because she turns people into stone when she looks at you in the eye, and she has snakes on her head.
By: Aureliano
Greek Gods
In My Class We Made Trading Cards For Our Project. About Greek,Roman Mytholygy. And Like Legends, Tall Tales, ect. The People I Did Are Greek Gods. I Kinda Liked This Unit Because It Was Kind Interesting.Like La LLorona Is A Interesting Legend. BY:Abraham F.
In our language arts class we got a new project where we make these trading cards about different kinds of characters. They all come from the unit we are learning about Mythology. I really liked this unit. I liked it because we got to learn about different kinds of stories. I liked how we read some actual stories about some characters. My favorite was Greek Mythology. So I did some trading cards on some of the things in Greek Mythology. They are Mount Olympus, Hera and Pegasus the winged horse.
Myth trading cards
This is what we did in language arts class yesterday and today. These are trading cards that we did. I did it on Greek gods. So i did Hades, Ares, and Hephaestus.
This unit was kind of fun. Some things that that we learned were about Greek gods. I learned that Greek gods and Roman gods have different names. Also that the myths were used to explain why the world is how it is now. That is what i liked about this unit.
3 Trading cards By: Art
3 trading cards
By: Art
This project was for getting a better understanding of mythology.
I liked this project because it is very interesting and I like mythology allot I really dint learn anything new that I already knew because I had studied this subject allot I would like to know more about this subject because i have great interest in this subject.
Maritza's Trading Cards
These are trading cards that we did for our Language Arts Class. I did the Goddesses Athena and Artemis and then i did a other person called Persephone.I think that this unit was pretty easy and fun. The goddesses and Gods unit was easy also was the fairytale, tall tales, and mythology were easy and fun too. Maritza
Book Trailers for 5th and 6th grade
This next post features my 5th and 6th graders for the first time! This year we had a new event at our school, the 6th Grade Showcase and the students made book trailers for their book talk projects so we could show off our reading skills and our technology skills to their parents, friends and teachers. The students used a program called WeVideo that we could link up to our Google Apps to create the videos. It is an awesome, easy to use, video making program that my school's Instructional Resource Coach (read - new name for a Library Media Specialist) taught me about. We learned lots as we used it and the trailers turned out pretty good. :) Here they are! Enjoy!
39 Clues Vipers Nest book trailer
A Wrinkle in Time book trailer
Homesick book trailer
Invasion of the Road Weenies book trailer
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory trailer
Middle School is the Worst book trailer
The Boy Project book trailer
The Legend of Jimmy Spoon book trailer
Holes book trailer
You book trailer
La Lista de tontos book trailer
Captain Underpants Book Trailer
Alien on a rampage book trailer This one is my example about our read aloud book that I made to show the students what I was looking for from their videos.
39 Clues Vipers Nest book trailer
A Wrinkle in Time book trailer
Homesick book trailer
Invasion of the Road Weenies book trailer
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory trailer
Middle School is the Worst book trailer
The Boy Project book trailer
The Legend of Jimmy Spoon book trailer
Holes book trailer
You book trailer
La Lista de tontos book trailer
Captain Underpants Book Trailer
Alien on a rampage book trailer This one is my example about our read aloud book that I made to show the students what I was looking for from their videos.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Digital Storytelling
Lots going on for the end of the school year! These next few posts will be to share the big projects we have completed over this last quarter. First up are the videos my 7th and 8th graders made about their literature circle books. It was our first time (mine included) doing digital storytelling. The students wrote Storyboards (sorta, some groups better than others :) lesson learned for next time!) and then created videos using iMovie and iMotionHD on the iPads to retell their books. It is definitely a first effort but we learned a lot about how to make it better for next time. Enjoy the videos!
The Chocolate War
By Robert Cormier
The Outsiders
By S.E. Hinton
Reality Check
By Peter Abrahams
(lots of bloopers in this one, if they spent as much time writing scripts as they did laughing they would have had an awesome video!) To learn more about this book see the students posts reflecting on their reading.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Chcoclate War by Lili T
Chocolate War
Jerry is a kid in an all boys high school he plays football and he has a really bad connection with his dad ever sense his mom died that spring. Jerry is a weak person that doesn't know how to difend himselfbut his part of The Vigils which is a group of kids in school that pretty much rule the school .Archie is a student who want power and stuff, he's the one that assigns the assignments for the people that are Vigils.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Reality Check by ana
We are done reading your book i think that are group did not do that we need to do. But after that i did like your project it was fun. Are video does not have all the pats to it only the most important. What i really like about your book is that hey did find her at lest at the end but was fun after all. I hope that u will read your book and you will like it.
I think are video went well and its really funny.Are group worked well and participated and got along pretty well. Probably are video is the funniest and we did the video correctly. We put what we wanted in the video.The video is in order and we all worked in the video,most of us were in the video.
I think are video went well and its really funny.Are group worked well and participated and got along pretty well. Probably are video is the funniest and we did the video correctly. We put what we wanted in the video.The video is in order and we all worked in the video,most of us were in the video.
End of Project. -Amanda
We finished reading our book so we started on our project. Our project was making a movie or trailer for our book. I didn't really like this project. I think we should of done a poster or a power point instead. It was fun though. I liked the book Reality Check because i like mysteries and it was interesting.
Chocolate Wars By: Art
The Chocolate War
By: Art
I read the book The Chocolate War I did not like the book very much I think the project was a little bit fun. The only thing I would change is the people I worked with. We created a video in the iPad it was pretty easy because it was not very straight up and it was not very confusing.
Chocolate war project
This project was kind of fun. I liked the way we worked together most of the time. I would do this project another time with an action book. I think we could of done much better if we stayed on task more. That's what I think of this project.
Friday, April 26, 2013
outsiders jaime ovalle
Dally asked 2 bit for his switchblade and he gave it to dally when he does to the rumble.when there at the rumble pony boy gets kicked in the head and at the end. dally grabed pony boy and rushed him to the hospital.the doctor dosent want to let him in but when they said johnny dying and he let them go ahead for sayin that and dally tells johnny thay won the rumble and he porud of him for wat he did.johnny tells pony boy to stay gold and then johnny dies and dally runs out of the room cryin for the first timein years becuse johnny was the only thing that meant to him. darry dies becuse he pulled out a gun that not loaded when he robed a store and went home and died from the cops shootin him..
el fin
well i though the ending was kind of sad because johnny dies after the got done from the rumble and before he died he told pony boy to stay gold then when he died dally bit his teeth in cry ed then the cops try to stop him but he died and then he pulls out his gun and the cos shot him and he died the same day that johnny died then pony at the end he though of all the things that happens and he thinks it was all studied.
Reality check
At the end i think that they are going to find clea. And that big len is the one who kidnaped clea. abe
At the end i think that they are going to find clea. And that big len is the one who kidnaped clea. abe
The Chocolate War (marco)
I really thought that the ending of the book would be different then how it did. Because i thought that their would be more danger more action more conflict.I didn't like all the book but some parts I liked. My favorite part was when they fought. I would recommend this book to people like wars and people that like fights.
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
We finished reading the book the Outsiders. It was a pretty good book. A lot of stuff happened and some were pretty sad. My favorite part was when Dally saved both Pony and Johnny. My least favorite part was when Dally and Johnny died. Dally was my favorite character so that was a bummer. Otherwise it was awesome how Randy a Soc was nice to Pony a greaser and how they kinda bonded. Darry and Ponys relationship got better wich was good. I dont like Steve.
Reality Check
I think Cody is going to find Clea and their going to get back together and maybe there going back to little bend. After probably Cody is going to go back to school and after he finishes school he's going to get a better job. I think that because Cody is getting more clues and finding out more stuff. Cody went to the bar and the guy there is acting suspicious.
I think Cody is going to find Clea and their going to get back together and maybe there going back to little bend. After probably Cody is going to go back to school and after he finishes school he's going to get a better job. I think that because Cody is getting more clues and finding out more stuff. Cody went to the bar and the guy there is acting suspicious.
Preddiction For The End Of The Book..Reality Check. -Amanda
Well I still haven't finished the book Reality Check but i'm almost done with it. A lot has happened through out all the chapters. Well here is my prediction for the end of the book, I think Cody will end up finding Clea. He will keep looking for clues to get closer and closer to her. Also i think Big Len has something to do with her missing.
Chocolate wars By: Art
The chocolate wars
By: Art
I have finished reading the book The Chocolate Wars. I am reading this book because we have to read it for language arts. My favorite part is when Jerry is getting beating up because there's allot going on. I would recommend this book to elder people because there's no real excitement and its kinda boring. I did think it would end like that because Jerry was bringing this to himself.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
In the Outsiders I think whats gonna happen next is that Johnny is gonna die. Well maybe since he was burnt pretty bad. Hopefully not but most likely that will happen. If he does die I think Dallys gonna be real sad since he cared for Johnny. Darrys and Ponys relationship will hopefully get better and all, I think that it will though. I think that the greasers and socs are gonna get in a big fight and the greasers are gonna win since Cherry helps them.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The title of the book I'm reading is the outsiders. the authors name is S.E.
Hinton. I really like this book. I find it very interesting. My favorite
character is cherry. Shes my favorite because shes nice to the greasers.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Reality Check Prediction. Amanda
In the book Reality Check a lot has happened. Right now Cody just went to go look for Clea because shes missing. My prediction for the next couple chapters is that Cody is going to find Clea and then there going to get in a fight. I think that because someone told Cody that she had a boyfriend and he doesn't like that because Clea said she missed Cody.
I'm still reading The Chocolate War. I think that Archie and Obie are going to fight. Also that a lot more kids are not going to sell chocolates. And that Jerry wont sell the chocolates and Goober is going to join the football team again.
The Chocolate Wars By: Art
The Chocolate Wars
BY: Art
The Book I'm Reading is The Chocolate Wars. I'm reading this book because we have to read it for language arts. I predict that Archie is going to get a assignment but hes going to make Obie do it and they might get in a fight.
Many Things Have Happened in The Book
like when Clea Got Lost. So Then Cody Found Out Then He Went To Go Look For Her. Cody Followed The Helicopter To Dover Boarding School. He Did Other Stuff, Then Went To Go Look For Clea With Other Guys. Abe
Many Things Have Happened in The Book
like when Clea Got Lost. So Then Cody Found Out Then He Went To Go Look For Her. Cody Followed The Helicopter To Dover Boarding School. He Did Other Stuff, Then Went To Go Look For Clea With Other Guys. Abe
Friday, April 5, 2013
Reality Check Ana R
I'm reading a book called Reality Check by Peter Abraham. Its a good book but a like that one is rich and the other is poor. I think that they are going to get back together because they are in love. She is going to go to college and he is college.My favorite part is that wen she comes back from Hong Kong and he gave her the some presents.
Chocolate War Maritza 2
I'm reading the book Chocolate War by: Robert Comier. I think that the book is OK I'm on chapter 15 out of like 32 or 38 or in the middle some were. The main character, Jerry, mom died so he dose not get along with his dad, there relation is sad. So Jerry feels really but really lonely. I fell bad for Jerry. I'm sure that it is really sad life.
Reality Check. Amanda
In language arts class we have groups and in my group we are reading Reality Check. The 2 main characters, Clea and Cody are going through a lot of problems. First Clea got a bad grade. Well her dad thought it was bad. Then Clea's decided to send her to Hong Kong for the summer. Cody then had to wait to see her after summer was over. They emailed and called each other. Then Clea's dad also decided to send her to Boarding School in Denver when the school year started again. Which meant Cody wouldn't see her. So he decided to break up with her. Then later Cody hurt his knee really bad by playing football and he was doing so good at school. He lost his chance of going to a good college. So after a while he dropped out of school. Started working full time. A lot of things started changing with him. One day he was at a deli getting a sandwich and all of a sudden he saw the newspaper and on the front page there was a picture of Clea and the headline read "Local Girl Missing." Those are some big problems that have happened in the book Reality Check.
The Chocolate War
I am still reading The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier. I like the book so far. It is very interesting how the author wrote the book. He uses a lot of metaphors and simile in his this book. Also i like the way the author use lots of detail. It feels like he is not afraid to express how the character feels like. That's the main reason that i like the book.
Chocolate Wars By: Art
The Chocolate Wars
By: Art
I am reading the book chocolate wars in Mrs.kotalah's class we are reading this book as a project.
My favorite part of this book is in chapter 6 in this chapter Brother Leon slaps Bailey and no one stands up fore Bailey and brother Leon tells Bailey he is a cheater and Bailey stands up for him self then Brother Leon get proud of Bailey for standing up himself.
Lit Circle books
Well, we have started a new unit in 7th and 8th grade Bilingual LA and it is going pretty well so far. The students are split up in 3 groups reading 3 different books, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, and Reality Check by Peter Abrahams. Most of them seem to like their books so far. Our new unit focuses on the themes of Rising to the Challenge and Identity. Most of the characters in our books are struggling with 'tough stuff' and trying to decide/discover who they are.
We are running our lit circles a little differently this time. Instead of the typical vocabulary, discussion leader, illustrator, summarizer roles, we are trying something new. I read in a article for my graduate class about Digital Storytelling so I decided to try it out. The students take on the roles of director, producer, writer and editor and as they read they are creating Storyboards that summarize and help them visualize the most important scenes from their books. At the end the students will use those roles to actually create a movie, or a digital story, about their book. They will either create a live action movie in iMovie using the iPads or they will use Photostory to create a picture story with voice over about their book. Wish us luck! We will upload our videos when they are finished!
We are running our lit circles a little differently this time. Instead of the typical vocabulary, discussion leader, illustrator, summarizer roles, we are trying something new. I read in a article for my graduate class about Digital Storytelling so I decided to try it out. The students take on the roles of director, producer, writer and editor and as they read they are creating Storyboards that summarize and help them visualize the most important scenes from their books. At the end the students will use those roles to actually create a movie, or a digital story, about their book. They will either create a live action movie in iMovie using the iPads or they will use Photostory to create a picture story with voice over about their book. Wish us luck! We will upload our videos when they are finished!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Chocolate War Lili T
Chocolate War
By: Robert Cormier
I am reading Chocolate War by Robert Cormier in small group and we're barely in chapter 8 but there's been a lot of intensity and stuff like that. There are a lot of charters there's Jerry, Archie,Obie, Brother leon, Emile, and bailey. My favorite charters are Archie,Obie and Jerry. I like the book so far interesting and intense. The reason we are reading this book is because it goes along with are topic which is Rise to the Challenge.Rise to the challenge means to get over something difficult in your life, like a family problem or something like that.
By:Lili T
Reality Check Ana R
The book that we are reading is called Reality Check by Peter Abraham The main characters are Cody and Clea.Clea is rich but her boyfriend is Cody and he is poor. Her dad is sanding her to a privet school and she will not see him. Cody likes to play football and he gets bad grades. Clea she is so smart and she gets As all the time and she got one B and she got mad. Now she is sand to a privet school so she con do better.
Ana R.
Ana R.
reality check
Reality Check
Peter Abrahams
Mi opinion es lo mismo lo que dije en el otro blogger que hise.
A me gusta clea porque es rica.
The Chocolate war Maritza
In Language Arts we are reading a book call The Chocolate War by Robert Comier. The book is really difficult to read in my opinion. I really do not under stand the book. The main characters are Jerry, Archie, Brother Leon, Obie, Emile, and Bailey. I don't really have a favorite character yet. I don't really like Brother Leon because he is mean, he slapped Bailey for a stupid reason, he slapped Bailey just because he thought that he was cheating and then he said that he did that to see who would stand up for him.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Reality Check
By:Peter Abrahams
The book is about a girl named Clea she's a smart girl, she gets good grades. The other main character is a boy named cody he gets bad grades he's poor. They like eachother and then they get into little trouble's. After that Clea goes to hong kong for the whole summer and they send email's. Then clea comes back and tells cody there's a problem. For the moment the book is good i like it. both of the character's are good so far.
By:Peter Abrahams
The book is about a girl named Clea she's a smart girl, she gets good grades. The other main character is a boy named cody he gets bad grades he's poor. They like eachother and then they get into little trouble's. After that Clea goes to hong kong for the whole summer and they send email's. Then clea comes back and tells cody there's a problem. For the moment the book is good i like it. both of the character's are good so far.
The Chocolate War
This week in class we started reading a book in a small group. The book is called The Chocolate War is by Robert Cormier. So far we are in chapter 8. the main character is named Jerry. Jerry is a freshman in high school. He tries to get into the football team, but he is to small and weak to the coaches eyes. his mother just died and that makes the coaches feel sympathy for him. So they put him in the team. Jerry is a person that doesn't like bulling but he doesn't say anything. That's why he is my favorite character.
The Outsiders:By S.E.Hinton
The book that we are reading is called The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton. The book is about a group of gangs called the greasers that is like family and how they have troubles with this group called the Socs (Socials). The greasers are pretty poor who grease their hair and the Socs are rich, pretty stuck up too. The main character is Ponyboy who is 14, he has 2 older brothers, Soda and Darry who is 16 and 20 years old. I think this is an ok book so far. I think my favorite character so far is either Soda or Cherry. Cherry is a Socs but that isn't as mean as the rest of the Socs and gets along with the greasers.
Chocolate Wars By: Art
Chocolate War
By:Robert Cormier
Blog By: Art
I am reading this book because we have to read it as a class room project. I like the book because i has to deal with a kid who has problems at his school in social life and we students have to deal with these things also. My favorite character is Archie because he is a little like me he is a tough guy but he is also smooth I am like him so that's why Archie is my favorite character because he reminds me of me.
Reality Check -Amanda
I'm reading the book Reality Check by Peter Abrahams. I think this book is really good so far. Its very interesting. I don't like Clea's dad because he is so strict to her. He shouldn't send her to Hong Kong over her grades. Also her grades weren't even that bad, all A's and 1 B. It makes Clea's and Cody's relationship hard because they barely get to see each other.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Shel Silverstein biography by: Oreo
This is a biography of Shel Silverstein
Gary Soto biography By : Art
This is a presentation of Gary Soto's biography
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