Friday, April 26, 2013

outsiders  jaime ovalle

Dally asked 2 bit for his switchblade and he gave it to dally when he does to the rumble.when there at the rumble pony boy gets kicked in the head and at the end. dally grabed pony boy and rushed him to the hospital.the doctor dosent want to let him in but when they said johnny dying and he let them go ahead for sayin that and dally tells  johnny thay won the rumble and he porud of him for wat he did.johnny tells pony boy to stay gold and then johnny dies and dally runs out of the room cryin for the first timein years becuse johnny was the only thing that meant to him. darry dies becuse he pulled out a gun that not loaded when he robed a store and went home and died from the cops shootin him..

                                                                                                                               el fin

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