Friday, April 5, 2013

Reality Check. Amanda

In language arts class we have groups and in my group we are reading Reality Check. The 2 main characters, Clea and Cody are going through a lot of problems. First Clea got a bad grade. Well her dad thought it was bad. Then Clea's decided to send her to Hong Kong for the summer. Cody then had to wait to see her after summer was over. They emailed and called each other. Then Clea's dad also decided to send her to Boarding School in Denver when the school year started again. Which meant Cody wouldn't see her. So he decided to break up with her. Then later Cody hurt his knee really bad by playing football and he was doing so good at school. He lost his chance of going to a good college. So after a while he dropped out of school. Started working full time. A lot of things started changing with him. One day he was at a deli getting a sandwich and all of a sudden he saw the newspaper and on the front page there was a picture of Clea and the headline read "Local Girl Missing." Those are some big problems that have happened in the  book Reality Check.