Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Book Trailers for 5th and 6th grade

This next post features my 5th and 6th graders for the first time!  This year we had a new event at our school, the 6th Grade Showcase and the students made book trailers for their book talk projects so we could show off our reading skills and our technology skills to their parents, friends and teachers.  The students used a program called WeVideo that we could link up to our Google Apps to create the videos. It is an awesome, easy to use, video making program that my school's Instructional Resource Coach (read - new name for a Library Media Specialist) taught me about.  We learned lots as we used it and the trailers turned out pretty good.  :) Here they are! Enjoy!

39 Clues Vipers Nest book trailer 
A Wrinkle in Time book trailer
Homesick book trailer
Invasion of the Road Weenies book trailer
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory trailer
Middle School is the Worst book trailer
The Boy Project book trailer
The Legend of Jimmy Spoon book trailer
Holes book trailer
You book trailer
La Lista de tontos book trailer
Captain Underpants Book Trailer
Alien on a rampage book trailer  This one is my example about our read aloud book that I made to show the students what I was looking for from their videos.

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