Friday, May 24, 2013

Chcoclate War by Lili T

                         Chocolate War
            Jerry is a kid in an all boys high school he plays football and he has a really bad connection with his dad ever sense his mom died that spring. Jerry is a weak person that doesn't know how to difend himselfbut his part of The Vigils which is a group of kids in school that pretty much rule the school .Archie is a student who want power and stuff, he's the one that assigns the assignments for the people that are Vigils.    


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reality Check by ana

We are done reading your book i think that are group did not do that we need to do. But after that i did like your project it was fun. Are video does not have all the pats to it only the most important. What i really like about your book is that hey did find her at lest at the end but was fun after all. I hope that u will read your book and you will like it.

I think are video went well and its really funny.Are group worked well and participated and got along pretty well. Probably are video is the funniest and we did the video correctly. We put what we wanted in the video.The video is in order and we all worked in the video,most of us were in the video.

End of Project. -Amanda

We finished reading our book so we started on our project. Our project was making a movie or trailer for our book. I didn't really like this project. I think we should of done a poster or a power point instead. It was fun though. I liked the book Reality Check because i like mysteries and it was interesting.

Chocolate Wars By: Art

The Chocolate War
By: Art
I read the book The Chocolate War I did not like the book very much I think the project was a little bit fun. The only thing I would change is the people I worked with. We created a video in the iPad it was pretty easy because it was not very straight up and it was not very confusing.

Chocolate war project

This project was kind of fun. I liked the way we worked together most of the time. I would do this project another time with an action book. I think we could of done much better if we stayed on task more. That's what I think of this project.
