Thursday, February 28, 2013
Shel Silverstein biography by: Oreo
This is a biography of Shel Silverstein
Gary Soto biography By : Art
This is a presentation of Gary Soto's biography
Monday, February 25, 2013
Poetry-Diane Shore
In language arts we are in our poetry unit and we are doing a presentation on poets. I'm doing the poet Diane Shore.
This is a short project about Bruce Lansky who is a poet. Hope you like it!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Poet Projects
Well, we are back to our poetry unit again and this week we are studying famous poets. The students had to create a presentation, using whatever format they wanted, about a poet of their choice. They needed to include just three simple parts, a short biography of 5 facts, a list of their poems or poetry books, and a short critique of their poetry. Here is my example presentation that I made to demonstrate to students what they should include. We did these projects in Spanish this time to make sure our Spanish writing skills don't get rusty. Enjoy!
Mrs. Kohtala
Mrs. Kohtala
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Where I'm From
I read the poem Where I'm From by George Ella Lyons. I kinda liked it because it had a lot of emotions into it. All of it basically symbolized something of her childhood or something that represents her. That's really why I liked it. Even though some words I didn't really understand it was still a good poem.
persuasive writting
My experience with writing a persuasive essay was okay. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it was. I liked how it had a certain order, it was organized. The easy part was putting the information down after the research. What was hard? Probably...would have to be doing the research. I think I did an okay job at trying to convince somebody about having the Olympics at the UK.Next time I would probably do a better job at convincing someone since I just kinda learned more about it.
My Favorite Poem- Amanda
It's gross to Kiss
Sandy's in love with Timmy,
But Timmy's in love with Sue,
Sue's in love with Jimmy,
And Jimmy with Sarah Laroo
I'm not in love with anyone;
I'm far to young for this.
Besides, I think it's
and yucky
to kiss!
I like this poem It's Gross to Kiss. This poem is by Kalli Dakos. I really liked this poem because I thought it was funny. I really like the ending of this poem.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
about my persuasive writing Lili T
I did a persuasive writing about why Mexico is a good place for the next Olympics. That was my first time doing a persuasive writing and it came out better than I thought it would be it was hard but then i got the hang of it. The things I liked about this kind of writing is that you can argue your opinion and have facts about it to make people agree to your opinion I liked that. The easy part was typing the essay the hard part was correcting it.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
My topic for our language arts essay is that schools should have better lunches. The easiest part of this project is coming up with the 3 arguments and the hardest thing was having details supporting the argument. I think my essay was pretty good I just think maybe I needed more details. Something I liked about this project was finding out what other kids thought about my topic. Well some of there opinions on the questions.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
persuasive essay(done not published)
In our language arts class we did a persuasive essay and my topic that i chose was obesity. The thing that like the most about the topic is that how we try to convince people about what we think. The easiest thing for me was to come up with my 3 arguments. The hardest thing for me was that we had to write a survey and tali the all the results. I think that I did good on the essay because I tried hard on it and gave very good supporting details.
marco l
marco l
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