Monday, December 19, 2011

The crossroads..... Amanda

The book im reading is crossroads and i liked this book because it was really good!!...This book was about a kid named Zack, his mother had cancer and she died. Later then his dad got a girlfriend and then they got married. They live in New York in a big apartment but after the wedding they moved to Connecticut. When they moved they moved to a place that looked haunted. Then later in the book there heard a story about that there was an accident. The accident was on a bus that crashed. Forty people died and only two survived. The driver and an old lady. A couple years later the bus driver got in a car accident and when the accident happened his car hit a tree.His spirit stayed by the tree. Then there was a huge storm and lightning hit the tree and the spirit got out. Then he went looking for the people who caused him his life. well thats some about the book crossroads.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Eighth Grade Bites

The Story that i read is called The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Eighth Grade Bites. The story is about a 13 year old boy in 8th grade named Vladimir Tod. Vlad is half a vampire and he lives with his aunt Nelly. Nelly is not really his aunt but she was very close with Vladimirs mother. But ever since his mother and father died Nelly took care of Vladimir. Vladimir is half vampire because his dad was a vampire and his mom was a human. Vlads parents died in a fire. Vladimir thinks someone caused it. And Vladimir is trying to find out who killed his parents in the fire. That is all i am going to tell you if you want to know the rest then yuh have to read it. :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Book Hoot

At the end of the book roy finds out the name of the running boy. He becomes friends with beatrice and the running boy. Also they save the owls that is how it ends.

guys write for guys read/ Patric Jones "wrestling with Reading"

i read the book guys write for guys read. i only pulled one story from the book because it is filled with short stories that relate to boys. if your a boy you will most likely find a story that relates to you in some way. i choose this story because its interesting. what makes it interesting is that he saw something on TV that inspired him so much that he follo0wed it and read about it so he ended becoming a writer.

Murder At Midnight

So far I am reading "Murder At Midnight" by AVI. In the beginning it was really boring as it got to the middle it started to get interesting. That's all!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

My book was Zoobreak. It was about a girl that lost her monkey and in the middle of the story they found that the monkey was not lost. They found out that the monkey was stolen. So a kid named Griffin made a plan to break into the zoo to get back the monkey. But that wasn't the only problem also his best friend was leaving to an academy. So when they broke in the zoo instead of taking just the monkey they took all the animals in that zoo. Because that zoo was the worst zoo ever they didn't take care of the animals that's why they had to. So 6 kids took them. The 6 kids were Savanna, Griffin, Malissa, Logan, Ben, and Pich. So each kid took a few animals to their house to keep them safe but the parents were not suppose to find out. But they were too much to handle so then Griffin made another plan to break into a different zoo and put the animals they took from the other zoo so they can be more safe. But they got caught trying to put them there. At the end the animals they toke had a home found for them. And the friend Ben was going to stay after all. Marco

the outsiders

I picked a book called the outsiders its about this group of guys called the greasers and anther group of guys called the soc. The soc are rich guys that are always looking to fight with the greasers. The greasers are guy that aren't rich and they have long greasy hair and people think that they are the ones that looking to fight. There's this boy called Ponyboy his a greaser that lives with his two older bothers because there mom and dad died. One Ponyboy gets mad at his bother and goes by Johnny and it's dark so go walk at the park and then the Soc's come looking for trouble. One of the Socs is drowning Ponyboy so Johnny killed the soc so Ponyboy and johnny went to hide in this one old church on Jay Mt. One they leave to get food and when come back the church is on fire.There is five little kid in the church and Dallas, Ponyboy, and Johnny go and save the kids but Johnny get hit by a burning bored on his back that breaks is back and has series burns. They have this one thing that's is called a rumble were the Soc's and the greasers fight.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The River

I have recently read the river which is the sequel to the Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. This book is about Brian, the main character, Is asked to be in the wild while one of the guys named Derek, takes notes about what he does. Later on Derek get in a coma and Brian builds a raft. Overall i think the book is good and interesting.
